Areas of Practice

We provide a high level of dedication and expertise in the following matters:


Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

Coverage requirements and compliance for employers and employees; determination of exempt status employees; salary requirements for exemption; determination of hours worked; tip credit issues; independent contractor status, improper wage deductions; calculation of regular rate; back-pay, and damages.


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

All areas under Title I, including, but not limited to: disability, otherwise qualified, reasonable accommodation, discrimination, defenses, alcoholism and drug addiction, medical examinations and inquiries.

Workplace Privacy

Employee searches at workplace, recording/tapping of oral and/or phone conversations, visual surveillance, electronic surveillance (use of company E-mail and/or internet).


Employment Discrimination

Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (including harassment, pregnancy discrimination, national origin, religion, retaliation, disparate impact, statistical evidence, and defenses to intentional discrimination); Age Discrimination in Employment Act; Older Workers Benefits Protection Act (including reductions in force and separation agreements).


Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Coverage of employers and employees, qualifying circumstances, serious health conditions, notice requirements, medical certification requirements, intermittent leave, reinstatement, backpay and damages.

Personal Injury

Premises liability, motor vehicle / motorcycle accidents, bicycle / bus accidents, construction accidents, pedestrian accidents, explosion / fire accidents, slip and fall accidents, police brutality, wrongful arrest, wrongful death.


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